Raji Writes

Mar 9, 20172 min

Life Changing Letter

The postman always came in the afternoon, after we had had lunch. He would knock on the door, and hand us the mail. I can't recall who received the mail that day. Maybe it was my mother who handed me the letters that came for me.

I had already received some thin envelopes in the days prior to this one. "We receive a large number of applications from many excellent candidates and can only accept a small proportion of students. Unfortunately we cannot offer you admission. We wish you the very best."

Or another version: "We are pleased to offer you admission to our college, but are not able to offer you financial aid." Which meant, of course, that I could not accept. The tuition for college was difficult enough, I later learned, for families in the US. It it was well beyond the reach of a middle-class family in India such as mine.

The first thick letter I received was from Mt. Holyoke. Admission and full financial aid. And several days later, another thick letter, from Smith College. Which meant many more things than I could have imagined at the time.

I would come to the United States to college. I would leave my family and everything I knew. I would fly on a plane for the first time. I would go 10,000 miles away, halfway across the world. To a country I had only read about. To a country that years later, I would call home.

I would build a life, make new friends. Get an education. Get a job, then another, and another. I would fall in love, fall out of love. Have my heart broken. Have it heal. Have a child. Raise a child.

And all along the way try to keep my promise to myself that I would keep writing.
